I have written ABOUT ME, only because I thought that you might like to know who is behind this website. The Lord knows my heart that I want this to be ABOUT HIM. It's all been done "to the praise of the glory of His grace by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." Ephesians 1:6, 7.
I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 10, 1931. My parents named me after my father, Henry George Weimar, but they always called me Harry. (I prefer Harry to Henry.) My two older sisters, younger brother, and I were raised by loving parents. My mother was especially happy that I attended a church youth group. I can't remember a time that I didn't believe that the Bible was the Word of God. I had also heard about Jesus Christ, but had no idea that I could have a personal relationship with Him.
My Conversion: I was born again, while serving in the U. S. Navy aboard a heavy cruiser off the coastline of North Korea. That night I heard John 3:16, and came to the realization that God loved me, and Christ died for me. I knew that I needed Jesus, so I turned to Him in appreciation and welcomed Him into my life. Immediately I wrote a letter to my mother and told her that I had become a Christian. My mother was thrilled and kept the letter. When I returned home on furlough, she showed me the letter. It was dated December 8, 1952.
My Call: When my ship returned to the United States in the spring of 1953, I was sent to Teleman School, a naval communication school in San Diego. One Sunday morning I decided to attend the First Baptist Church there. A missionary was the guest speaker. I don't remember who he was, or what he preached. After his sermon he asked if there was anyone present who was willing to become a missionary if God wanted them to become a missionary. I thought that was reasonable. If God wanted me to be a missionary, I would be willing. He continued, and he wanted to know if God had called anyone specifically. I prayed, "Lord, I know that you don't want me to be a missionary." It was like God Himself answered from heaven, "But I do." That was it! Through the following years the Spirit of God reminded me continually of His call.
My Companion: In the spring of 1954 I was transferred to Pusan, Korea. A Swedish nurse, Inga-Britt Carlsson, arrived there about the same time. She worked at the Swedish Red Cross Hospital. Shortly after arriving we met each other at a Bible study in the home of a Presbyterian missionary. Once a week I went to the Swedish hospital with other members of the military to witness to Korean patients. We met afterwards with the nurses for fellowship. I learned that the Lord had called Inga-Britt to be a missionary. We got married on April 15, 1955 at the American Embassy in Tokyo, Japan.
My Training: After being discharged from the navy, I attended Philadelphia College of Bible. I graduated with honors in 1959. A small independent Baptist church in Pennsauken, New Jersey, invited me to be their pastor. After a few months I definitely knew that this was not my calling. We moved on to the Christian Literature Crusade, where we were accepted as missionary candidates. For a year or so we worked at the mission headquarters in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, and learned a lot from CLC missionaries on furlough.
My Ministry in South Korea: Inga-Britt and I arrived in South Korea with our three children (Grace, Steven, and Kim) on February 2, 1962. We opened a Christian bookstore in Taejon a year later. During our first term I published Peace with God by Billy Graham, small gospel booklets, gospel posters, and Bible correspondence courses which I had written. I taught Personal Evangelism and Bible Prophecy at a Presbyterian seminary. Together with a friend of many years, Marlin Baker, I started a Youth for Christ ministry, and also planted two independent churches. An English Bible class at Campus Crusade for Christ was part of my schedule. I also spent a lot of time in rural marketplaces trying to develop a colporteur ministry, which never materialized. Our family returned to the United States in 1967.
The following year we resigned from CLC, and returned to South Korea as independent missionaries supported by our home church, Grace Bible Church, in Philadelphia. For two years I was actively engaged in rural evangelism, preaching the gospel in various marketplaces and promoting free Bible correspondence courses. An opportunity was presented to me at the Kyung Min Schools in Uijungbu, a suburb of Seoul. At the time there were four schools on campus with about 3,000 students. I taught Bible to 9th and 12th grade students. Each week I commuted back and forth from Taejon to Uijungbu.
We returned to the United States for furlough in the summer of 1972. For the next year I served as Minister of Visitation at the First Baptist Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Besides my visitation duties, I was responsible for Children's Church, and a church bus ministry. It was indeed a good year.
After this furlough, we returned to Kyung Min, where I was appointed head of the Chaplains' Department. I ministered there until 1978. Our last year of ministry in South Korea was spent on the island of Che-ju, where the population was around 500,000 and we were the only resident missionaries there. I had many speaking engagements in churches throughout the island. Inga-Britt fell ill, and we returned to the United States.
My Ministry in the United States: In 1979 we set up house in San Jose, California, where I got a job at the Kelly-Moore Paint Company. An independent Korean church invited me to work part-time as their Associate Missionary. Later it became affiliated with the Southern Baptist denomination.
My Retirement: I retired from the paint company in 1993. Inga-Britt and I moved from California to Canon City, Colorado. In my retirement I have been involved in various ministries at local churches. For some months I promoted missionary projects as a Ministry Representative of the International Bible Society in Colorado Springs. I also developed a Bible correspondence course ministry, which offered free Bible studies to inmates in Texas and Colorado. A couple years were spent teaching Bible once a week at the Fremont County Detention Center.
In 2015 I moved to Fort Collins, Colorado, where I have ministered at a few assisted living facilities, preaching the gospel and visiting residents. Please continue to pray for me.