Now is the time to put yourself to the test. Do you really understand the basic, fundamental teaching of this gospel? Whenever you cannot answer a question correctly, without a doubt, refer back to the lesson material. Remember that just reading the notes isn't enough. Make the truth of the Scriptures a permanent part of your life.
- What are the three major sections of John's gospel as outlined in our study.
- How did you do answering the multiple choice questions at the beginning?
- In Jesus' public ministry which two titles were most prominent?
- What are the seven I AM statements of Jesus?
- What are the eight miraculous signs recorded by John?
- How many titles did you find in the first chapter.
- What does it mean to believe in Jesus?
- What are the two main sections in the private ministry of Jesus?
- What four truths are emphasized in the Upper Room Discourse?
- What four lessons can we learn from the feet washing incident?
- What two titles are prominently assigned to the Holy Spirit?
- What are five ministries of the Holy Spirit?
- What is the remedy for a troubled heart?
- For whom did Jesus pray?
- What two requests did Jesus make for those who would believe in Him?
- When Jesus was arrested, how did He identify Himself?
- What fault did Pilate find in Jesus?
- What were Jesus' final words while on the cross?
- Where was Jesus buried?
- Why should we believe that Jesus rose again from the dead?