What Everybody Should Know About God

Belief affects behavior. If we believe right, we will live right, and nothing is more fundamental to the way we live than our faith in God.

Volumes have been written about God. However, the one book that really counts is the Bible, the Word of God. Through the truth of the Scriptures we learn what God is like.

What Everybody Should Know About God is a simple Bible study, consisting of only five lessons with verses to memorize, brief commentary, important questions, and Scripture quotations from the New King James Version, which provide biblical answers to the questions.

Be sure to commit to memory the Memory Verses. Review! Review! Review!

The content of this brief course is intentionally plain and clear, prepared for people of all ages. An endeavor has been made to “put the cookies on the lower shelf.” Young students may have to stretch their intellect a little, while those who are older and more mature might exercise humility in easily breezing through the material.

The course is free. You might print out the five lessons, and record your answers to the questions. Do not send these answers to KnowingJesusChrist.com. However, upon completion of the five lessons the student may take the Final Exam online and send those answers to us through the website. Those who satisfactorily complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion via e-mail.

Hopefully, What Everybody Should Know About God will be like a launching pad, providing each student with a good start and foundation in their personal pursuit in the knowledge of God.

The Lessons below are provided in PDF format.  You will need the free Adobe Reader to view them.  The "Foreword" file is the same information as above, but in PDF form so you can save it to your computer or print it out.



Lesson 1 - God is Great

Lesson 2 - God is Good

Lesson 3 - God is Love

Lesson 4 - God is Faithful

Lesson 5 - Living by Faith

Final Exam

May the Lord richly bless you in the study of His Word!

Display # 
# Title Hits
1 What Everybody Should Know About God - Final Exam 6350



All About God

Scripture taken from the
New King James Version.
Copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982
by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by Permission.
All rights reserved.

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