Now is the time to put yourself to the test. Do you really understand the basic, fundamental teaching of this short letter? Whenever you cannot answer a question correctly, without a doubt, refer back to the lesson material. Remember that just reading the notes isn't enough. Make the truth of the Scriptures a permanent part of your life.
- What are three reasons that 1 John was written?
- When was it written?
- From where was it written?
- Why should we believe what John and the apostles have to say about Jesus Christ?
- How can believers walk with God?
- How can believers receive forgiveness and cleansing?
- When is Jesus our Advocate?
- What is the "new commandment"?
- What is worldliness?
- Who protects the Christian from error, and leads into all truth?
- What's the difference between imputed righteousness and imparted righteousness?
- What produces a purifying effect in the life of the believer?
- What are three things that can be said of those who hate the brethren?
- What is the two-fold command that we have received from God?
- How can believers distinguish between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error?
- How did God show His love for the world?
- How do we overcome the world?
- Who has eternal life?
- What are five evidences that believers have eternal life?
- What does our prayer life indicate?