Acts 4:1-37
"Nor is there salvation in any other,
for there is no other name under heaven
given among men by which we must be saved."
Acts 4:12.
A missionary visited a temple, which housed the headquarters of a Buddhist cult. (Yes, other religions have their cults, too.) He was greeted by the cult's founder, an elderly woman, and two of her followers. She smiled, extended her right hand as a welcoming gesture, and spoke in tongues. Then she asked, "Do you understand the heavenly language?" He replied, "No." The woman and her cronies grinned, exuding an air of superiority.
The missionary was ushered into an office, where the cult leader went on to explain that Christians and Buddhists believe in the same God. She insisted that we just call Him by a different name. Surprisingly, she added that she believed the Bible is the Word of God.
The missionary opened his Bible, and read Acts 4:12. Unimpressed the spiritual leader repeated herself, saying that she believed in Jesus, but called Him by a different name. Then she continued, saying that all good people would be saved, regardless of their religion.
This drew a response from the missionary, who asked her about those who weren't good. She ran her forefinger across her throat like she was slitting it. Jesus' man asked her, "Have you sinned?" She answered, "Yes." Moving his finger across his throat, he said, "Too bad!" Oh, no. He didn't understand. She explained that she was sorry for her sins, and that God forgave her.
The lady was told that all have sinned, and that all deserve to die. But Jesus died in our place. He bore the penalty of our sins, and God raised Him from the dead. He is Lord and Savior. There is only one way to be saved, and that's through faith in Jesus Christ.
This story would have a wonderful ending if this woman and her companions accepted Christ as their Savior, but they didn't. The dialogue ended politely, and the missionary went his way.
The religious leaders in Jerusalem also rejected the apostles' preaching, commanding them "not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus." Today there are those who reject the exclusive claim of Jesus, and would have Christians reinterpret their beliefs to embrace pluralism and create a new environment of religious unity. Like the apostles of old, we'll go with Jesus.
Lord, Thank You for providing a way of salvation. We'll stay with Jesus, and share the good news with others. Help us to be steadfast and unwavering in presenting Jesus as the Way. In His name. Amen!